HertzScript Systems Specification

Add sequence and dependency graphs.

1High-Level Synopsis

HertzScript (abbreviated “HzScript”) automatically transforms JavaScript functions into stackless coroutines which can be preempted, and provides a degree of concurrency which is more fine‐grained than what you get with traditional JavaScript. Normally functions must run from beginning to end due to the single‐threaded nature of JavaScript, but HertzScript automatically pauses and context switches between several functions mid‐execution. Software developers may utilize HertzScript’s concurrency via a new spawn keyword. If you call a function which is preceded by the spawn keyword, then the function will run concurrently alongside any other functions and the caller function.

Coroutines are normally reserved for cooperative multitasking and have to be manually implemented by software developers, requiring them to manage control yielding and reentry points. HertzScript implements voluntary preemptive multitasking which is a compiler‐managed variant of cooperative multitasking, and it does not require the developer to manually implement control yielding or reentry points.

2Reference Systems & Supporting Technologies

3Overview of Components

HertzScript is composed of layered abstracting and interoperating systems including a compiler, virtual machine, multitasking dispatcher, and programming environment. Each component can be used either independently or as part of a higher‐level abstracting component. The lowest‐level foundational components are the compiler and the virtual machine.

Component Diagram

4Literal Value Notation & Data Types

Specific conventions for the notation of typed literal values are defined here and are used throughout this specification. Some special characters indicated within this section are Markdown terminal characters.

Notating a literal value with a specific data type may require the prefixing and/or postfixing of specific characters.

When contributing to this specification’s Markdown documents via a text editor, each reference to a literal value requires grave accents to be the outermost prefix and postfix: ` (U+0060)

The below table illustrates the following for each data type:

Type Characters Position of Characters Unformatted Example Formatted Example
Identifier None None `name` name
Object Object Prefix Object `name` Object name
Nested Property Key Value Full Stop: . (U+002E) Between Property Keys `name1.name2` name1.name2
Symbol Commercial At: @ (U+0040) Prefix `@name` @name
TokenLib Symbol 2x Commercial At: @@ (U+0040) Prefix `@@name` @@name
String Quotation Mark: " (U+0022) Prefix & Postfix `“string”` "string"
Boolean None None `true` true
Integer None None `123` 123
Float Full Stop: . (U+002E) Anywhere `12.34` 12.34
Negative Integer Minus Sign: - (U+2212) Prefix `-123` -123
Negative Float Minus Sign: - (U+2212) Prefix `-12.34` -12.34
Null None None `null` null
Undefined None None `undefined` undefined


Objects are logical collections of properties. Each property associates a key value with an arbitrary value of any data type.

Property key values can be used to access or assign properties and their associated arbitrary values.

Dynamic property key values are equal to any value referred to by an Identifier, and can be used to access or assign properties and their associated arbitrary values.

Nested properties may be notated in short‐form such that a Full Stop or period may be placed between each property key value.

Objects must be prefixed with the word “Object”.


Symbols are uniqueness types, meaning every symbol is immutable and unique. Symbols are used as dynamic property keys for Objects.

Symbols are prefixed by a single “commercial at” characer.

A Symbol that is created by and is a member of TokenLib.symbols is prefixed by two “commercial at” characters.


Strings are finite ordered sequences of zero or more 16‐bit unsigned integer values.

Strings must be both prefixed and postfixed by quotation marks.


Booleans must be equal to one of two different values: true or false.


Integers are whole numbers represented by double‐precision 64‐bit binary format IEEE 754‐2008 values.

Integers which are negative must be notated with a minus sign prefix. Integers which both non‐terminating and infinitely large must be notated with Infinity, or -Infinity for negative numbers.


Floats are non‐whole numbers which are represented by double‐precision 64‐bit binary format IEEE 754‐2008 values.

Floats which are negative must be notated with a minus sign prefix.


null is unchangeable and is always equal to null.


undefined is unchangeable and is always equal to undefined.


The HertzScript compiler transforms function calls into yielded instances of InstructionToken such that all transformed function calls are made in reverse upon script execution.

The HertzScript compiler uses a multi‐stage source‐to‐source compilation process to transform JavaScript functions into instruction streams; all functions within a HzScript program are GeneratorFunctions which yield instructions. Residing the bottom abstraction level of the system, the HertzScript compiler serves as a fundamental mechanism in the creation of re‐entrant programs.

The first stage in the compilation process consists of Acorn, an Acorn parser plugin, and Acorn‐Walk, which are used to parse and transform any SpawnExpression to a regular method call for Babel to recognize in the second stage. spawn is a contextual keyword which could also be a regular method call and not a SpawnExpression, so the parser looks for any instance of the spawn keyword followed by any number of spaces and an identifier character.

The second stage consists of Babel and a Babel transformation plugin which is used to transform all function expressions/statements into GeneratorFunctions, and wrap all functions in detour hooking functions. Within the new GeneratorFunctions all CallExpressions, NewExpressions, ReturnStatements, YieldExpressions, and SpawnExpressions are transformed into yielded instruction tokens. A special token named loopYield is added to the beginning of each loop to ensure that they are interruptable.

5.1Transformation Functions


5.2Visitor Functions



The VirtualMachine class sequentially executes a single InstructionToken stream originating from a coroutine, and implements computational behaviors as indicated by each InstructionToken. VirtualMachine may consume both InstructionToken Object instances and context‐sensitive data.

Most behaviors and Functions within VirtualMachine are managed and executed by an AspectWeaver class instance.

VirtualMachine changes how the JavaScript virtual machine call stack is utilized. When a new coroutine is started, a new ControlBlock class instance is created for it which contains a virtual call stack, and the HertzScript instruction set corresponds with operations which push and pop the coroutines in that stack. Only the currently executing coroutine will reside within the JavaScript VM call stack. The JavaScript VM call stack does not grow past the currently running coroutine except during function calls which were initiated by many of JavaScript’s standard operators which are not the invocation operator, loosely limiting the VM call stack to a set length. The end result of this size reduction is that all coroutines are generally able to perform a context switch with O(1) time complexity, significantly reducing any possible jitter that would critically impact multitasking operations.

6.1Error Handling

6.2Execution Cycle

The core execution cycle is called the Fetch‐Coerce‐Execute cycle, or FCE cycle. The FCE cycle’s programming style and construction is that of Aspect‐Oriented Programming. The FCE Functions are cycle, fetchInstruction, coerceInstruction, and executeInstruction; the VirtualMachine constructor submits the three FCE Functions to an AspectWeaver instance. The AspectWeaver instance is given three Pointcuts labaled with the Strings "fetch", "coerce", and "execute". The labeled Pointcuts expose six Joinpoints in total, such that Functions may be added or removed at six logical points in the control flow before or after each of the three FCE Functions.

Component Diagram


VirtualMachine is able to interrupt a coroutine which has been compiled by the HertzScript Compiler. Preemption may be performed within cycle before each FCE cycle or via adding a Function after the execute Joinpoint or before the cycle Joinpoint.


VirtualMachine(uTokenLib = null) :

  1. If uTokenLib is strictly equal to null, then
    • Let this.tokenLib be uTokenLib.
  2. Else let this.tokenLib be a new instance of class TokenLib;
  3. Let this.detourLib be a new instance of class DetourLib with arguments VirtualMachine and this.tokenLib.
  4. Let this.userLib be a new instance of class UserLib with arguments this.tokenLib and this.detourLib.
  5. Let this.controlBlock be a new instance of class ControlBlock with arguments this.tokenLib.
  6. Let this.lastError be this.tokenLib.symbols.nullSym.
  7. Let this.lastRemit be this.tokenLib.symbols.nullSym.
  8. Let this.lastInstruction be null.
  9. Let this.terminated be false.
  10. Let instructions be new instance of class Object.
    • Let instructions.enqueue be this._enqueue.
    • Let instructions.import be Array< this._import >.
    • Let instructions.terminate be this._terminate.
    • Let instructions.vmError be this._vmError.
    • Let instructions.programError be this._programError.
    • Let instructions.fetch be this._fetch.
    • Let instructions.coerce be this._coerce.
    • Let instructions.execute be this._execute.
    • Let instructions.cycle be this._cycle.
    • Let instructions.cycleAsync be this._cycleAsync.
  11. Let this.weaver be a new instance of class AspectWeaver with arguments this and instructions.

6.5Prototype Members


6.6Prototype Methods





The AspectWeaver class is an Aspect‐oriented program control system which is designed to allow the sequential execution, addition, mutation, and removal of Functions during run‐time. Points at which functions may be added or removed are called Joinpoints, whereas the problem domains which Joinpoints implement are called Pointcuts.


The Babel transformation plugin wraps all function declarations and expressions in detouring functions, and the detour library is a collection of function hooks designed to detour specific types of functions.

Detour functions insert a hooking function which replaces the original function with a special invocation adapter. Upon invoking the adapter a new HertzScript virtual machine is started in‐place, and the original function is run from within it. The original function is assigned to a Symbol property named tokenSym. Each hooking function marks the detour function and original function with special marker Symbols which allow the virtual machine to observe information which would originally only be visible at compile‐time.

The below figure illustrates the path of control flow from a caller function to the original function after it has been detoured.

Component Diagram

6.8.1Detour Hooking Functions

Name|Arguments|Description -------------------------- hookCoroutine | | Detours a function. hookArrowCoroutine detours an ArrowFunctionExpression. hookGenerator detours a GeneratorFunction. hookIterator detours an iterator interface object’s next, return, and throw methods.


The Kernelizer class is a very simple object which assigns arbitrary values directly to itself. This class serves as the base class for the InstructionToken class.

Strings given as an argument list to the constructor indicate the labels of arguments given in an Array via the set method, and can be reset with an arbitrary value via the reset method.


Assigns undefined to all properties ordered via an argument list of Strings spread to Array argsArray.

Kernelizer(...argsArrray) :

  1. Let value of property argSlots of this be argsArray.
  2. Invoke this.reset().

6.9.2Prototype Methods

Assigns an arbitrary value resetValue to all properties ordered via Strings in Array this.argSlots.

Kernelizer.prototype.reset(resetValue) :

  1. If this.argSlots.length is strictly equal to 0, then
    • Return this.
  2. For each argName of Array this.argSlots, do
    • Let value of dynamic property argName of this be resetValue.
  3. Return this.

Assigns arbitrary values in Array argsArray to properties ordered via Strings in Array this.argSlots

Kernelizer.prototype.set(argsArray) :

  1. If this.argSlots.length is strictly equal to 0, then
    • Return this.
    • Let loc be 0.
  2. For each argName of this.argSlots, do
    • If Number loc is less than or equal to Number argsArray.length, then
      • Let value of dynamic property argName of this be the value of dynamic property loc of argsArray.
    • Else let value of dynamic property argName of this be undefined.
    • Increment Number loc by 1.
  3. Return this.


The InstructionToken class extends the Kernelizer class by assigning String type and Symbol kernSym to itself.


InstructionToken(type, kernSym, ...argsArrray) :

  1. Let kern be a new instance of class Kernelizer.
  2. Let kern.type be type.
  3. Let value of dynamic property kernSym of kern be true.
  4. Return kern.


TokenLib is a class which creates and contains InstructionToken instances and marker Symbols.

InstructionToken instances are designed to safely encapsulate userspace data such as functions and their input operands, return/yield values, or no data. All InstructionToken instances are marked by having a special symbol assigned to them called kernSym; if VirtualMachine determines that an object has the symbol as a property, then it assumes that the object is an InstructionToken and attempts to process it.

Each InstructionToken is a single‐instance uniqueness type to reduce memory overhead, because all instances are gauranteed to be thread‐safe and free of race conditions. Because the virtual machine executes in a single thread, each unique InstructionToken instance will be used atomically during a single VirtualMachine fetch‐decode‐execute cycle.

6.11.1Object Methods

Returns a Boolean which indicates whether or not input is an Object instance of either the InstructionToken class or the Kernelizer class.

  1. If the data type of input is Object, then
    1. If dynamic property @@kernSym exists within input, return true.
  2. Else return false.

6.11.2Object Properties
Name Arguments Description
loopYield None Yield control flow to VirtualMachine.
call Array< Function functor, Boolean isTailCall > Invoke a function.
callArgs Array< Function functor, Array args, Boolean isTailCall > Invoke a function with arguments.
callMethod Array< Object object, Any property, Boolean isTailCall > Invoke an Object method function.
callMethodArgs Object object, Any property, Array args, Boolean isTailCall > Invoke an Object method function with arguments.
new Array< Function functor > Invoke a constructor.
newArgs Array< Function functor, Array args > Invoke a constructor with arguments.
newMethod Array< Object object, Any property > Invoke a constructor Object method function.
newMethodArgs Array< Object object, Any property, Array args > Invoke a constructor Object method function with arguments.
spawn Array< Function functor > Queue a coroutine for later execution.
spawnArgs Array< Function functor, Array args > Queue a coroutine for later execution with arguments.
spawnMethod Array< Object object, Any property > Queue an Object method coroutine for later execution.
spawnMethodArgs Array< Object object, Any property, Array args > Queue an Object method coroutine for later execution with arguments.
return None Perform a return statement.
returnValue Array< Any arg > Perform a return statement with a value.
yield None Perform a yield expression.
yieldValue Array< Any arg > Perform a yield expression with a value.
Name Value Description
tokenSym Function Is assigned to the userspace Function of a coroutine.
crtSym Any Marks the function it is assigned to as being a coroutine.
conSym Any Marks the function it is assigned to as being coroutine.
genSym Any Marks the function it is assigned to as being generator.
iterSym Any Marks the function it is assigned to as being assigned to an iterator interface object.



The HertzScript dispatcher is a concurrency control system and preemptive multitasking kernel. The dispatcher is responsible for the supervision, scheduling, dispatchment, preemption, and context switching of multiple different HertzScript virtual machines within a single thread.

8Programming Environment



  1. isKernelized
  1. 1High-Level Synopsis
  2. 2Reference Systems & Supporting Technologies
  3. 3Overview of Components
  4. 4Literal Value Notation & Data Types
    1. 4.1Object
    2. 4.2Symbol
    3. 4.3String
    4. 4.4Boolean
    5. 4.5Integer
    6. 4.6Float
    7. 4.7Null
    8. 4.8Undefined
  5. 5Compiler
    1. 5.1Transformation Functions
      1. 5.1.1HzCoroutine
    2. 5.2Visitor Functions
      1. 5.2.1CallExpression
  6. 6VirtualMachine
    1. 6.1Error Handling
    2. 6.2Execution Cycle
    3. 6.3Preemption
    4. 6.4Constructor
    5. 6.5Prototype Members
      1. 6.5.1executors
    6. 6.6Prototype Methods
      1. 6.6.1fetchInstruction
      2. 6.6.2foerceInstruction
      3. 6.6.3executeInstruction
    7. 6.7AspectWeaver
    8. 6.8DetourLib
      1. 6.8.1Detour Hooking Functions
    9. 6.9Kernelizer
      1. 6.9.1Constructor
      2. 6.9.2Prototype Methods
    10. 6.10InstructionToken
      1. 6.10.1Constructor
    11. 6.11TokenLib
      1. 6.11.1Object Methods
      2. 6.11.2Object Properties
    12. 6.12UserLib
  7. 7Dispatcher
  8. 8Programming Environment
  9. §Index